Barcode Xpress for Node.js v13.2 - Updated May 19, 2020
Supported Barcode Types
User Guide > Supported Barcode Types


Several barcode types are identified by multiple names, but in barcode-js they are referenced by the names listed below:

Format Name

2D Barcodes

Aztec aztec
Data Matrix datamatrix
MicroPDF417 micropdf417
PDF417 pdf417
QR Code qrcode

1D Barcodes

Add-2 add2
Add-5 add5
Airline 2 of 5 iata2of5
Australia Post 4-State Code australianpost
BCD Matrix bcdmatrix
Codabar codabar
Code 128 (A,B,C) code128
Code 2 of 5 industrial2of5
Code 32 code32
Code 39 code39
Code 39 Extended code39ext
Code 93 code93
Code 93 Extended code93ext
DataLogic 2 of 5 datalogic2of5
EAN 128 (GS1, UCC) ean128
EAN-13 ean13
EAN-8 ean8
GS1 DataBar gs1databar
Industrial 2 of 5 industrial2of5
Intelligent Mail (OneCode) intelligentmail
Interleaved 2 of 5 interleaved2of5
Invert 2 of 5 inverted2of5
ITF-14 / SCC-14 interleaved2of5
Matrix 2 of 5 matrix2of5
Patch Codes patchcode
PLANET planet
PostNet postnet
Royal Mail (RM4SCC) royalpost
UCC 128 ean128
UPC-A upca
UPC-E upce
UPU S18 4-State upu4state